2018 Reading List

A list of the books I completed reading in 2018 (before I started this blog).
I have uploaded this list (and 2017) so I can put up Bookerworm reviews (which I wrote at the time) without re-reading the Booker books. Remaining books from these lists may be reviewed if re-read for a later list.

The Broker - John Grisham
Vernon God Little - DBC Pierre
Moon Tiger - Penelope Lively
The Finkler Question - Howard Jacobson
The Wizard of Oz - L Frank Baum
Simply Jesus - Tom Wright
Ask That Mountain: The Story of Parihaka - Dick Scott
The Menace From Earth - Robert A Heinlein
Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea - Jules Verne
The Count of Monte Cristo - Alexandre Dumas
Something to Answer For - PH Newby
The Ghost Road - Pat Barker
How God Became King - Tom Wright
Little Dorrit - Charles Dickens
The Spy Who Came in From the Cold - John le CarrÄ—
Going Postal - Terry Pratchett
Simply Christian - Tom Wright
Our Mutual Friend - Charles Dickens
Genesis: History, Fiction, or Neither - Various
A Child's History of England - Charles Dickens
Pyramids - Terry Pratchett
A Death in Vienna - David Silva
The Mosaic of Christian Belief - Roger E Olsen
Victoria: A Life - AN Wilson
Full Surrender - J Edwin Orr
The Brethren - John Grisham
Fifty Shades of White: One Man's Quest for Righteousness - Robert J Cottle
The Bible on the Big Screen - J Stephen Lang
Rob Roy - Sir Walter Scott
A Princess of Mars - Edgar Rice Burroughs
Puha Road - Barry Crump
Ivanhoe - Sir Walter Scott


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