Alphabet Soup

In mid-2021 the Tasman District Library put on a challenge called 'Alphabet Soup.' For this challenge, participants had to read 26 books before the end of June 2022, each one by an author whose last name started with a different letter of the alphabet. All books had to be selected from those available at the library, and could not be from the childrens/YA sections. I decided to add the small challenge for myself that they needed to be read in order, from A to Z. Below are the books from my attempt and the dates I finished them.

The 39 Steps - John Buchan (August 16, 2021)

Bear Creek - Jack Edwardes (October 17, 2021)

Tu - Patricia Grace (November 13, 2021)

The Snow Child - Eowyn Ivey (November 25, 2021)

Iscariot - Tosca Lee (January 3, 2022)


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