Repeat Authors

 Repeat Authors

Louisa May Alcott

Kevin J Anderson

Jane Austen

William Barclay

Fleur Beale

Enid Blyton

Michael Bond

The Island of Sheep

Edgar Rice Burroughs

Stephen L Carter

Eleanor Catton

Agatha Christie

Barry Crump

Roald Dahl

Ted Dekker

Charles Dickens

Lynley Dodd

Fyodor Dostoevsky

Alexandre Dumas

David Eddings

Hilary Mantel

Ngaio Marsh

Steph Matuku

Watchman Nee

Baroness Orczy

Richard Osman

Jackie Hill Perry

Terry Pratchett

Willard Price

Derek Prince

Rick Riordan

Francine Rivers

Brandon Sanderson

Tim Severin

John & Elizabeth Sherrill

Robert Louis Stevenson

JRR Tolkien

AW Tozer

Anthony Trollope


Jules Verne

Tad Williams

John Wyndham


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