2025 Book Challenge

Although keen to do another reading challenge, I also don't want to over-commit to reading too much or too many things that I end up disliking. So, this challenge, which popped up in a Facebook group I'm part of, seemed like a good balance: only 16 books - so it is doable - and broad enough categories to make it work. Being me, I'm also going to add in the mini-challenge of doing them in order.

A retelling - Robin Hood by Carola Oman (completed 14 Jan 2025)

Set in a different country/continent - Quentin Durward by Sir Walter Scott (completed 11 Feb 2025)

Includes folklore and legends - The Jungle Books by Rudyard Kipling (completed 27 Feb 2025)

Includes robots or A.I. -

Set in ancient times -

Involves pirates -

A plague or virus - 

About Black History - 

Non-fiction about an interest -

Includes a ghost -

A classic novel - 

An animal protagonist -

Set in the Arctic/Antarctic -

Set in favourite season - 

Set in more than one time period - 

A banned book - 


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