Life's Golden Ticket - Brendon Burchard

Published by HarperOne: USA, 2016.

This is an odd book. An extended allegory, written by a self-help guru to try and encourage the reader to make changes in their life. 

A man whose fiancée Mary disappeared for some time before reappearing close to death in hospital, is sent by her to an abandoned amusement park, which comes to life when he enters it. There he meets a variety of carnival stereotypes, all of whom teach him valuable life lessons and empower him to take control of his destiny.

Now, sure, there area few things in this book that could help motivate people to get more out of life, but it is all so... materialistic.... And very "me-centric".

Elise and I were given this book by my parents who had raved about it (which was enough to keep us reading) but it didn't really do a lot for us. It gives some good insight, but without a true understanding of God's potential aid to help us achieve anything in life the book feels a bit shallow at the end.


Completed with Elise, 3 August 2019.


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