The Feathered Serpent - Edgar Wallace

Published by Hodder & Stoughton: London. First published 1932.

A mysterious drawing of a feathered serpent. Murder. Intrigue. An intrepid reporter on the case. From a very successful writer of his day!

This has all the hallmarks of a classic thriller, but - and here I must pull back the curtain a little - I honestly don't remember the story! Some of these reviews were written a while after the fact, as I set up my blog at the start of 2020 rather than 2019, and wanted to reflect on my previous year's reading. And yet, for the rest of what I read in 2019 I can remember the stories, either immediately or after jogging my memory from rereading various synopses.

This one, however, has slipped out entirely. I have the most vague recollections of the story, and recognised some of the beats when I looked them up, but the book was not that memorable to me!

So, take from that what you will.

I will simple say, it didn't grip me (obviously) and leave it at that.

Completed 30 November 2019.


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