The Negotiator - Dee Henderson

Published by Tyndale House Publishers Inc.: Carol Stream, Illinois, 2004.

This book is a semi-cheesy Christian book, but with an "action thriller" element thrown in for fun. Kate is the titular "negotiator": tough and good at her job. During a particular bank heist in which she is the negotiator, she meets Dave Richman, an FBI agent and Christian who - despite his better judgment - falls for the non-Christian Kate.

So, yeah, there isn't a lot too this book, and I wouldn't call it great literature, but it is a harmless-enough way to pass the time. Non-Christians won't enjoy it, because it is very open about 'the faith', and some Christians will struggle with the way Dave is "pursuing" a non-Christian.

But if you are the target market, it will be a bit of good ol' cheese, action, romance and faith rolled together.

Completed 23 June 2019.


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