The Seeds of Time - John Wyndham

Published by Penguin Books: England, 1964. (1956).

This a series of short stories written by science-fiction novelist John Wyndham. The genres range from comedy to horror and a lot in between.

'Pawley's Peepholes' and 'Meteor' are both very amusing, with the former telling of tourists from the future coming back to then-present-day England and irritating the locals, while the latter follows a group of aliens arriving on Earth, only to find themselves at a disadvantage due to their scale.

The story 'Survival', on the other hand, is very heavy, and left me with an unpleasant feeling by the end.

This one outlier aside though (and even this has its fans) the collection is a good selection of classic science-fiction, and would be a good taster for someone just getting into the genre.

Completed 23 July 2019.


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