The Library of Shadows - Mikkel Birkegaard

Published by Transworld Publishers: London, 2009. 
Translated by Tiina Nunnally, 2008.
First published in Danish 2007.

This occasionally dark novel is set in Denmark, where a lawyer named Jon Campelli is drawn into a secret society of 'Lectors', individuals who have the power to either influence the actions of those they read to (transmitters) or of those who are themselves reading (receivers). Jon's father Luca, himself a powerful Lector, has been found dead, and blame has fallen on the local receivers. Jon must use his relative outsider status to his advantage and investigate the death while protecting himself against the mysterious enemies out to get him. 

This novel took me a few chapters to get into, but by the end I was gripped. There are elements of the plot I found a little predictable, figuring out, for example, who the traitor was before they were revealed, but the plot did take a few unexpected turns and the idea of readers having that much power was a fun one.

In inclusion in the third act of the Library of Alexandria made sense when it emerged, but also added some extra interest for me, as that is one historical location I would love to have been able to explore.

A good one time read.

Completed 19 September 2020.



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