To Green Angel Tower (Part 1) - Tad Williams

Published by Daw Book, Inc.: New York, NY, 1994 (1993).

In the past, I have occasionally read books that have been split into two volumes, and have generally counted them as one book for my list count. To Green Angel Tower is an exception for a few reasons. Firstly, it is incredibly long in its own right, to the point that I feel like taking a break from the series before reading the second half is a wise choice. Secondly, the two parts are so often split (in paperback form, which is how I am reading them) that in some versions they are given separate titles (when that is the case for this volume, it is called To Green Angel Tower: Siege). This fact made it interesting and slightly confusing when I was hunting down what I assumed was the last book (singular) in the series after reading The Dragonbone Chair and Stone of Farewell, as with all the different titles coming up I was thinking the series may have had anything up to five or six books in it, rather than (officially) three.

But anyhow, all this aside, what was To Green Angel Tower (Part 1) colon Siege like?

Pretty good.

Still long, and at times I really found myself wondering if it needed to be so long - near the end of this volume, various characters are missing an important horn, and are all searching for it for a few pages, until someone admits it was among their belongings the whole time. Was that really necessary to include? Perhaps Tad Williams and his editor could have shortened the work somewhat.

Overall though, what I appreciate about To Green Angel Tower (Part 1) is the fact that things do actually happen!! Especially after Stone of Farewell felt like it was running on the spot in places, having characters who have been separated for probably literally 1000 pages finally reconnect is very satisfying, as is seeing various battles and subplots begin to resolve. There is a sense that, despite its ongoing meandering nature, this book is starting to head towards the conclusion of the saga, which is a satisfying feeling. 

Not that I'm impatient to end the series. I am still enjoying the various characters, and quite like the way some minor characters that other series would have forgotten in book 1 still keep making their presence felt, even if the end role for them is still a mystery in some cases. I also enjoy the two main characters, Simon and Miriamele, and although the book is at times still a bit dark or sensual, it has toed the line well enough that I have continued feeling okay carrying on with it.

Looking forward to the finale, after a much needed pause.

Completed 18 May 2021.


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