My Story: Castaway - Bill O'Brien

Published by Scholastic New Zealand Limited: Auckland, NZ, 2006.

This book was published by Scholastic as part of the My Story series, books aimed at younger readers that retell various interesting or significant events in the history of New Zealand. In this instance, Castaway tells the story of (fictional) Sam Clark, who becomes part of the (historical) sinking of the Dundonald, a ship that crashed into Disappointment Island in 1907. The 15 survivors are forced to endure a harsh winter on the sub-Antarctic island (part of the Auckland Islands group), building huts out of earth and grass, eating mollymawks and seals, and eventually building small boats out of sticks and canvas in order to reach Auckland Island itself, where they know a depot is kept stocked to aid shipwreck survivors.

The story (as it seems most in the My Story series are) is told as a journal, kept by Sam during his travels. This means we get a first hand account of life as it is on the island, but also means the story draws out a little. The story of survival is impressive, and this is a fascinating event that many New Zealanders have never heard about, but, like with No Safe Harbour (which told of the Wahine disaster in similar fashion) I wonder if there just isn't enough 'plot' to fill out a whole book.

Interesting from an historical perspective, and it did lead to me looking up the disaster and the islands myself. Which, I guess, is mission accomplished.

Completed 9 June 2021.


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