Queen of Sorcery - David Eddings

Published by Corgi Books: Great Britain, 1988 (1982).
Book Two in 'The Belgariad' series: 'Pawn of Prophecy'; 'Queen of Sorcery'; 'Magician's Gambit'; Castle of Wizardry'; 'Enchanter's End Game'.

This second book in the Belgariad continues the adventures of young Garion as he journeys with his Aunt Polgara and Uncle Belgarath, both powerful sorcerers, on an attempt to stop Zedar from delivering the Orb of Aldur to the mad God Torak or the dark sorcerer Ctuchik. As that first sentence shows, this is a full-on high fantasy series, and if strange names and foreign world's aren't your thing, this won't be for you. The book is also a direct sequel, and as with Pawn of Prophecy, it is content to take its time gradually unfolding the plot, rather than letting anything happen at pace. 

All of the main characters from the first book are back, including Barak, Silk, and Durnik, and Hettar has now joined the party. In this book other characters also join, including the young rash archer Lelldorin, honourable knight Mandorallen, and eventually the spoiled princess (and probable future love interest for Garion) Ce'Nedra. 

The humour from the first book remains, and the characters are still as enjoyable as ever, but Queen of Sorcery begins to get quite a bit darker in patches than its predecessor, as well as more eager to throw Garion into awkward semi-sexual encounters. As Garion is portrayed as still quite young and innocent (he is now 15 but is still fairly sheltered) both the sexuality and extra layers of darkness begin to feel a bit 'icky', particularly toward the end of the book when Garion is captured, drugged, and effectively turned into a 'sex slave' for a dark sorceress (although it is made clear that nothing "happens" to him in that way). 

Perhaps we should have guessed from the book title.

This is an unfortunate turn, as it really has put us off the series, which on the whole we were enjoying.

We will be looking for some form of 'palate cleansing' book after this one.

Completed with Elise, 22 August 2021.

(Elise Books)


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