An Echo in the Darkness - Francine Rivers

Published by Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.: Carol Stream, Illinois, 2002 (1994).
Book 2 in the 'Mark of the Lion' series: "A Voice in the Wind"; "An Echo in the Darkness"; "As Sure as the Dawn."

The second book in the Mark of the Lion series, Echo is hard to talk about without spoiling certain elements of the previous entry, A Voice in the WindThat earlier book has such a good ending that I would encourage people considering the book to go and read it before carrying on reading this!

So... spoiler warning...

Hadassah has survived being thrown to the lions thanks to the aid of the surgeon Alexander, but has been hideously scarred as a result. Keeping her features hidden from the world, she now works with Alexander as an assistant, her faith in God manifesting itself through compassion for Alexander's patients and prayers for healing. Despite her new live bringing hope to those around her, Hadassah worries what will happen if the Valerian family learn that she has survived the arena, as she feels convicted that - as their slave - she may still need to return to them should they ask.

Marcus, meanwhile, grieving Hadassah's 'death', is going on a journey of his own, trying to find Hadassah's God, not out of a desire to know Him, but out of resentment over what has happened to her. His journey takes him to Palestine, where he meets with various individuals and begins to learn more about the truth of the Messiah.

As with the previous book in the series, Echo is very well written and moving. The characters are fully fleshed out, and even our heroes have their blind spots and insecurities. Rivers continues to write a story that - while perhaps more predictable than Voice, still has enough twists and turns to keep you guessing. And although the ending doesn't have quite the same level of impact as the previous entry (its hard to top throwing your heroine to the lions), it does wrap up the story of Hadassah and the Valerian family in a satisfying manner.

Well worth it.

Completed, with Elise, 20 January 2022.

(Elise Books)


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