God's Gloves - Jennifer Rees-Larcombe

Published by Marshall Morgan and Scott Publications Ltd: Basingstoke, Hants, UK, 1987.

This book was recommended to me by my parents and my grandmother, from whom I borrowed the copy I read. The author, Jennifer Rees-Larcombe, tells her story of learning to care for others, inspired by a remark made by her son that Jesus "hasn't got arms any more to cuddle sad people" (page 16). Rees-Larcombe gradually learned to open her home and life to others far more than she had been doing, and later in life began to receive similar care after being diagnosed with "a disease rather like Multiple Sclerosis" (page 9). 

The book is full of examples of caring for others (both by and to the author and other stories that she has learned of) and the impact this can have on both giver and receiver. It also highlights how often caring for others can help others on their faith journey. Knowing that people can often feel inadequate when faced with difficult situations, Rees-Larcombe devotes a good chunk of the book to addressing various objections as well, with chapter titles including "I'm Shy", "What if I become a doormat?" and "I have no gifts." For each of these, she either addresses the argument head on or shows how perceived weaknesses can actually be strengths! For example, in the "I'm Shy" chapter, Rees-Larcombe points out that "shyness can actually be an asset to God" because shy people resist the urge to become 'overbearing' or 'preachy' in a sensitive time (page 31ff).

I am giving this book a shorter review than some, but I highly recommend it. Very practical, with short, thought-provoking chapters.

Completed 29 October 2022.


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