Mistborn: The Well of Ascension - Brandon Sanderson

Published by Tor Books: New York, NY, 2007.
The second book in the 'Mistborn' trilogy: 'The Final Empire'; 'The Well of Ascension'; 'The Hero of Ages.'

Having read a few heavier or less-professional books recently, I felt it was about time to return to something read more for pure enjoyment and escapism. Thus it is that I got The Well of Ascension out from my local library and picked up the world of Mistborn once again.

Spoilers from the first book in the series, The Final Empire, will follow.

Now that the Lord Ruler has been defeated and Elend has been crowned king, the group of survivors from the first novel are trying to figure out how to rule an empire that is quickly breaking into pieces. Vin is struggling with the fame and responsibility that comes from being seen as Kelsier's 'heir', as well as struggling to trust those around her, particularly the kandra OreSeur, who she associates strongly with Kelsier's death. She is also torn between her love for Elend and her desire to keep him at arms length due to a mistrust of her own powers. 

As the book progresses, the city of Luthadel (where the majority of our main characters are based) is put under siege by three rival factions, and the politics of this world are explored further. One of the approaching armies is led by Elend's father, Straff Venture, whose ranks also contain a Mistborn, that begins to follow and even spar with Vin.

This second book deepens the world of the first, exploring both the Terris culture and Allomantic abilities further, as well as bringing to light more perspectives on the earlier attempts to discover the 'hero of ages' and 'the well of ascension.' Questions about prophecy and how it can be interpreted or misinterpreted are raised, and one or two well-executed twists add an excitement to the proceedings.

I'm really enjoying this series. I don't think it will be quite as long before I get out Book Three.

Completed 26 November 2022.


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