Blessing or Curse: You Can Choose - Derek Prince

Published by Chosen Books: Grand Rapids, MI, 1994 (1990).

Derek Prince was a fairly well-known Christian author, also having had a successful radio ministry for a number of years. He has pretty solid theology, at the Pentecostal end of the spectrum. I quite enjoy his writing, although haven't read a whole book of his for some time.

This book jumped out at me when I was browsing a book stall on Richmond Market Day, and I felt like it would be worth checking out. The topic is one that a lot of people (even many Christians) would likely dismiss as somewhat superstitious, but it is something supported by Scripture. Prince helps to place the concept of blessings and curses into the Biblical framework, demystifying it while also pointing out areas where Christians could pay a bit more attention to the concept. For example, in talking about spoken word curses, Prince points out that: "It is important to understand that the sin of "blasphemy" includes not only evil words spoken against God, but also evil words spoken against our fellow human beings. Whether spoken in reference to God or to other people, such language is forbidden to Christians." (page 149) Not that every idle word is necessarily a curse, but there is power in what we say, as Prince reminds us.

There are times when Prince may go a little further in his application than I would, but it is a very good place to start a discussion from.

A very interesting book, and one that will challenge my prayer-life in time to come.

Completed 10 April 2023.


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