Sense and Sensibility - Jane Austen

Published as an audiobook by Audible Studios. 
Uploaded 14-08-2018. Narrated by Rosamund Pike.
Originally published 1811.

After listening to Rosamund Pike's audiobook version of Pride and Prejudice Elise and I were keen to listen to the other Austen book she has narrated. Sense and Sensibility was Austen's first published work, and there are occasions where that comes through a little - some scenes go on a little long and the book as a whole takes a while to find its rhythm - but some individual scenes are brilliantly written and quite funny, showing the strength of Austen's writing. 

The book follows the Dashwood sisters, primarily Eleanor (aged 19) and Marianne (aged 16), although a younger sister Margaret, who is 13, does feature on occasion. At the beginning of the book the sisters and their mother are pledged financial aid when the girls' father dies, however their sister-in-law manages to talk their easily-led brother into reneging on his promise in a fairly comic scene where she convinces him that he is really 'helping' them by cutting them off. With their sister-in-law remaining an antagonist for the entirety of the novel, the girls and their mother relocate to Devonshire, where they live in a small cottage near their warm hearted and gossipy uncle Sir John Middleton, his quiet wife and her loud, gossipy-yet-well-meaning mother. 

Into their circle of influence also come three potential suitors: the mildly tragic Colonel Brandon, who loves Marianne yet is considerably older than her; the charming John Willoughby, who sweeps Marianne off her feet; and Edward Ferrars, the eldest brother of their sister-in-law, who seems to have an interest in Eleanor but who also may have some secrets of his own.

The plot continues to thicken with secret engagements, suspected engagements, broken engagements and secret scandals all coming into play at particular points. Other characters are added to the roster of players, each with their own important details that must be remembered... the cast is a little unwieldy at times, particularly to keep track of over the extended period needed to listen to it on audiobook. And yet, as above, when Austen gets all the pieces where she wants them she is able to craft some beautifully written scenes, particularly when one character thinks something about another character and conversations are had at cross-purposes. In these moments all of her plot-building pays off, and she can just enjoy playing about with the well-developed characters she has created.

Overall, although Sense and Sensibility is not quite as well-constructed as Pride and Prejudice, it is another example of Austen's skills, and is well worth checking out. Rosamund Pike's narration also continues to be perfect for the tone of the writing.

Completed with Elise, 23 April 2023.

(Elise Books)


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