Hearts of Iron, Feet of Clay - Gary Inrig

Published by The Moody Bible Institute of Chicago: United States of America, 1981 (1979).

This book is actually a commentary of the book of Judges from the Old Testament, but is a far easier read than most similar books. This is because the author uses a variety of preaching techniques, including parables and illustrations... I do wonder if this actually started out as a series of sermons...

Judges is not an easy book to interpret. Firstly, it is narrative, meaning that it needs to firstly read as history, but it is also Scripture, meaning that there are lessons or spiritual truths that can be gleaned from throughout. Inrig does a good job of acknowledging both aspects - highlighting the story and looking for the life lessons, some of which are emphasised by the illustrations he chooses to include. In doing so, he is able to go beyond simply commenting on the book of Judges itself, and instead give thought provokers that the Christian reader can apply outside of that context. An example, that I used in a message in my series on Hebrews, is:

"Some of us have been brought up in fine Christian homes; we know all about the truths of the Word of God, and yet there is a complacency about spiritual things in our lives that cripples us spiritually. We must realise two things about this kind of complacency. The first is [that]...To be complacent in the face of Calvary is the greatest possible rejection of God. The second is that complacency grows like a cancer...one of the greatest stumbling blocks young Christians must face is not opposition of the world, but the apathy of so-called established Christians." (page 27)

An interesting read.

Completed 10 July 2023.


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