The One Year Worship the King Devotional - Chris Tiegreen

Published by Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.: Carol Stream, Illinois, 2008.

For my birthday last year I was given this devotional, by an author I had never heard of, and started reading it sometime later in September. I have quite a hit-and-miss record with devotionals; they are often a bit glib or cliche for me and I struggle to stick with them. This devotional, however, quickly appealed to me and although I'm not sure exactly what day I started reading it last year, I know I have now read every entry in it.

What I like about this devotional is that it is quite ready to dig into deeper theology, occasionally even into commentary! An example of a good challenge (from only the second day of the year!): "Many believers get caught up in getting the most out of their salvation. Few move on to giving the most out of their salvation. But those who do will realize one of the many paradoxes of the Kingdom: Giving it all results in getting it all. A heart poured out in praise results in a heart filled with purpose" (page 2). 

In fact, I have found myself quoting from it occasionally during sermons this last year. I don't think I'd find it as easy to do that with a wishy-washy platitude-type devotional. An example of a quote I used in a sermon: "Our words, behaviour, and relationships can reflect who He is. When they don't, He often distances Himself from our sins by chastising us for them. That teachers us to conform to His character, but it also displays what His character is like for those who know we claim Him as our Lord." (page 314). This statement is not easy theology, but is good theology. I prefer to be challenged to deepen my faith, and Tiegreen's devotional has helped me do that.

I think I'll keep reading it on and off until I find another similar style devotional, and it will certainly be a resource I refer to again in the future.


Completed (about) 15 September 2023.


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