Fasting - Derek Prince

Published by Whitaker House: New Kensington, PA, 1986.

Quite a short book, I actually read this in a few hours while I was putting together a sermon on the topic of prayer and fasting. I have read a longer work by Derek Prince on this topic in the past (Shaping History through Prayer and Fasting), and wonder if this little book might actually be excerpts from that, but either way, it provides a good foundation to the biblical principle.

The primary reason for (Biblical Christian) fasting, reminds Prince, is not to gain the health benefits that can come, nor to try and twist God's arm to do what we would like Him to do. Rather, "Primarily, the purpose of fasting is self-humbling." (page 6) Prince points out that throughout the Bible God promises blessings on those who are humble, and stresses that "We cannot transfer that responsibility to God. To pray, "God, make me humble," is unscriptural, because the reply of God in Scripture is always, "Humble yourself."" (pages 7-8). When we come before God in a state of self-humbleness, and have removed the distraction of food (only ever for a time!) we open ourselves up to hear from God more clearly, which in turn helps us to pray into the things of God more accurately.

There is power in prayer and fasting, and some of the other spiritual benefits are also highlighted in later chapters, but this foundation must come first. Aligning ourselves with God's will is the way we make sure our prayers will be powerful and effective, and this in turn can lead to (as the longer book title suggests) seeing prayer and fasting shape history.

Very much a taster book - it's only five chapters long - but a good taster to an interesting topic.

Completed 22 November 2024.


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