Scavenger: Zoid - Paul Stewart and Chris Riddell

Published by Macmillan Children's Books: London, Basingstoke and Oxford, 2014.

I began reading this book in class when I was nearing the end of reading The Jungle Books, by Rudyard Kipling. I had selected The Jungle Books to fit the next category on the reading challenge I'm doing this year, and decided that I was near enough the end of that book that starting this one (which fits the category after that one) was safe enough, especially since I would only be able to read this during silent reading times, and it would likely take a while.


I under-estimated how busy my home life would be, how slow The Jungle Books would be, and how quickly I'd get through this book, which probably took just over a week of class time!

So, now, I find myself in the mildly annoying situation of having read a book that fits the 'robots or AI' category of the challenge, but - because of my self-imposed rule of doing them in order - not being able to use it.

And I only finished it A DAY before The Jungle Books, too!


In some ways, my long winded intro is a sign that this was a very easy read, and fairly enjoyable.

The story is set in the distant future, on the giant 'Biosphere', a spaceship/space-station that houses the last of humanity, but that is overrun by zoids - robots that rose up and overthrew humanity. Our main character is York, a young human who is soon on his own, once zoids destroy his home, Inpost, and capture the remaining humans. York sets out with a vague plan of rescuing his friends, and journeys through the Biosphere, encountering various mutated creatures, dangerous zoids, and even an advanced zoid that may not be an enemy, but could even be (potentially) a love interest!!

In many ways it's a straightforward story, but it is still a fairly enjoyable one, and an easy read. There are also moments where the story is surprisingly dark. The authors don't dwell on the darkness, but it is there: death, beheadings, experimentation.... all do play a part in the story.

The whole thing wraps up with the chance of a sequel, and, honestly, I would consider checking it out.

After all, it wouldn't be much of a time investment.

Completed 26 February 2025.


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