Churchquake! : How the New Apostolic Reformation is Shaking Up The Church as We Know It - C Peter Wagner

Published by Regal Books, USA, 1999.

Churchquake is written by C Peter Wagner, a theologian writing from the Baptist perspective, and looking at what he calls the "New Apostolic Reformation", an expression of Christianity that I find myself currently a part of. He outlines the different aspects of the movement, its strengths and weaknesses, and defends it as a legitimate expression of the larger Christian Faith. He even suggests that it may be a very important expression of Christianity in the coming decades - something that even since he wrote the book is becoming more true.

Although the term 'apostle' is not necessarily used much in other styles of Christianity, Wagner points out that: " may be enlightening to recognize that the term "evangelist," so common today, was not generally accepted in our country [USA] until the times of Charles Finney, who ministered from 1825-1875. Finney ignited a good deal of controversy when he first accepted the office of evangelist. Theologians of the time strenuously argued against what they were calling these "New Measures."" (page 109).

For Christians interested in Church Structure and the 'whys' behind the way we express our faith, Churchquake is a well researched and argued work, and one that for me had an extra level of interest due to my own community of faith.

Completed 22 September 2019.


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