Of Fire and Night - Kevin J Anderson

Published by Orbit Books/Hachette Book Group, Inc.: New York, NY, 2007 (2006).
Book Five of 'The Saga of Seven Suns' series: 'Hidden Empire'; 'A Forest of Stars'; 'Horizon Storms'; 'Scattered Suns'; 'Of Fire and Night'; 'Metal Swarm'; 'The Ashes of Worlds'.

After the last two installments in this series seemed a little unfocussed, Of Fire and Night course-corrects by bringing pay-off to a number of long-running subplots. Where Horizon Storms and Scattered Suns both technically contained the start of the Klikiss robot uprising, Of Fire and Night brings that war out into the open. Not only does the Hansa league become aware of the robotic treachery, but they begin having to figure out how to do battle against them.

The hydrogue war also reaches its peak; with the Ildirian empire forced into a difficult corner, being asked to join the hydrogues or face annihilation themselves, Jora'h sides with the hydrogues in order to save his species. However, he also rushes to find an alternative. Will he discover one in time?!

King Peter and Queen Estarra are aware that Basil Wenceslas is beginning to plot their downfall, yet as Of Fire and Night progresses Peter is also given the opportunity to make his mark as an actual monarch. What will the outcome of the deadly standoff between Peter and Basil be?!

Osira'h has done her father's bidding but is now disillusioned with the decisions he seems to be making, unaware that he is secretly trying to do the right thing. Will she learn the truth in time or will she turn against her father's species altogether?!

Jess and Cesca are finally reunited, yet now Cesca is dying. The wentals refuse to help her, considering there to be too much danger in creating a tainted wental in the process. Will he convince them to aid his love, and what will the outcome be?!

Yeah, I'm still thoroughly enjoying this series. Anderson keeps on leaving chapters (and books!) on cliffhangers, making the reader want to keep reading, while his habit of having very short chapters makes the temptation to do so that much stronger. Interestingly, this book wraps up quite a lot of storylines. If it weren't for the cliffhangers in the final few chapters, I would have felt a bit unsure about where the plot could go to from here.

Looking forward to see how this series continues its final trajectory.

Completed 16 May 2022.


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