Bugs - Whiti Hereaka

Published by Huia Publishers: Wellington, Aotearoa New Zealand, 2013.

This one wasn't for me.

A Young Adult novel written by a Kiwi author (and one whom I had previously enjoyed reading), Bugs seemed like a good book to try as we look for more English curriculum books in my college. But, nah...

Bugs is a Maori teenager living in Taupo with her solo mother. We never learn Bugs' real name (although it starts with 'Al'), with her nickname being given early on in life - based on Bugs Bunny. Bugs is tough, argumentative, and very intelligent, although none of her teachers seem to see it. Bugs' mother does, and is trying to push her daughter to study law at university. Bugs resents the amount others in her life are focused on her future, just wanting to enjoy being a teenager, and hanging with her good friend Jez (Jeremy). The arrival of a new rich white girl, Charmaine 'Stone Cold' Fox, threatens to upset even this, as Jez develops a crush on the new girl, and now Bugs is forced to share her friend with an 'interloper.'

This sounds like it could be the start of an interesting story, but there isn't much in the way of a plot at all. Bugs and Stone Cold have an antagonistic relationship with one another, slowly growing into friends despite both seeming to dislike the other. Jez loves art but doesn't see any future for it, becoming quite jaded as the story progresses. At one point the trio get high. At one point they get in trouble for driving as a group when the driver is on their restricted. At a few points Bugs seems ready to acknowledge her feelings for Jez but then backs out.

And then, abruptly, after some moments of high drama that seem as though they will lead to horrific outcomes, the book suddenly ends. Unresolved.

Perhaps Hereaka is making a point about life not being 'tidy' and having clear endings, but it just added a sense of frustration for me to a story that already wasn't doing much to win me over.

And a lot more language than I like as well.

I still rate Hereaka as a writer after reading Bugs, but I far prefer her other book of hers I have read, Legacy.

Completed 10 June 2022.


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