Building on Apostolic Foundations - Dudley Daniel

With Gordon Hunkin.
Published by Every Tribe Resources for New Covenant Ministries International: Bryanston, South Africa, 2001.

A few weeks ago I came across this book in the second-hand area of our local Christian bookstore. I was intrigued, as I recognised the name Dudley Daniel. He started the NCMI movement, of which our church, ChristFirst is a part! I have never actually read anything by him before though.

Daniel paints a picture of how he sees the church working, building a community wherein every believer can minister in their own giftings as 'a priesthood of all believers' (1 Peter 2:5,9). He stresses that an authentic Church community needs to be built on the Word of God and also have the freedom to flow in the Holy Spirit, when a number of churches will focus on one at the expense of the other. In pursuing this goal churches (and individuals) should be willing to adjust when God directs them into new areas without losing hold of the important things He has been doing to that point, nor forgetting the important teachings of Scripture. The Church should never be somewhere that 'celebrity Christians' self-promote or create their own empires; rather everything that everyone does in the name of Christ should point to Christ Himself.

I joined the NCMI movement simply because when I first came to ChristFirst I felt at home. I knew that the broad principles the movement was built upon where ones I believed in, but didn't feel the need to dig into its origins. However, having now read this book of Dudley Daniel's, I am reassured that the group I am a part of was founded by someone whom I found myself agreeing with on page after page.

God is good. It is all about Him, and not about us. That includes not being all about Dudley Daniel. However, I am glad he has produced this resource, and it is likely to be one I refer back to when considering structural questions in the future.

Completed 31 December 2022.


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