Five on Kirrin Island Again - Enid Blyton

Published as an audiobook by Hodder Children's Books/Hachette Children's Book, 2013.
Narrated by Jan Francis.
Book 6 in the 'Famous Five' series. Preceded by 'Five Go Off in a Caravan.' Followed by 'Five Go Off to Camp.'
Originally published 1947.

The interesting thing about this entry in the Famous Five series is summed up by a comment Anne makes towards the end of the story. As things are wrapping up, she tells the rest of the group that she is happy the adventure is almost over, and that she didn't even realise they were having one for most of it.

Out of the series so far, this entry has perhaps the best balance in this regards. The second book, Five Go Adventuring Again, tried a similar slow-burn approach to the story and still held our interest, but seemed to be waiting for a revelation to come, whereas the third book, Five Run Away Together, simply made the heroes miserable until they did what the title suggests they did! In Five on Kirrin Island Again, we get all the pieces slowly falling into place, without (unless you take some time to think about it) knowing how they will connect. This means that we as the audience, conditioned to the Famous Five format, are aware that the adventure has begun, even as the children are not. We begin asking questions along with the children, but are more ready to assume something suspicious is going to happen because, after all, it always does!

The set up for this book comes in three seemingly unrelated ways: firstly, Uncle Quentin has 'borrowed' George's island for his experiments, and seems to have also discovered a secret hiding place none of the children know about. Secondly, a slightly mysterious man named Mr Curton and his mopey son Martin have come to live nearby and might be slightly too interested in Uncle Quentin's work. Thirdly, the nearby quarry has a mysterious tunnel going into it.

What could the link possibly be??!!

Yeah, its all straightforward, mildly predictable, and overly dramatic, but that's why we love this series. And I don't even need to add that Jan Francis continues to narrate the series well. I might not even bother to mention that going forward, as she is consistently great.

Completed with Elise, 29 December 2024.

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(Famous Five Series)

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