Robin Hood - Carola Oman

Published by JM Dent & Sons Ltd: London, UK, 1973.
First published 1939.

A slightly old-fashioned book, seemingly written to intentionally resemble fairy tales or 'older' stories (though, being written in 1939 it may also just be old-fashioned), Robin Hood is a collection of stories about the titular outlaw, collected and retold by the author when she was approached and asked to do so. The book begins with Robin Hood already established as an outlaw, and we never get a definitive answer about his origins or family - although we do eventually meet some relatives. We also stay at a distance from his relationship with Marian; she does come into the story eventually but Robin is reluctant to pursue a relationship with her, and the reasons for this are hidden until very near the end of the book.

Mostly, then, this is a series of short adventures that are vaguely linked. Different sections of the book may promise that they are about 'Robin and Sir Richard' or 'Robin and the Sheriff', but that doesn't mean that each of those chapters will focus on that topic. In fact, at one point, the book takes a chapter to talk about two sisters - Rose the Red and White Lily - whose story barely includes Robin or his merry men at all! 

Some of the classic tales are included, but they are often slightly different from the ones we know today. It seems that author Oman has intentionally done this to differentiate her retelling from others - another choice is setting the stories during the reign of Edward II, meaning that there aren't even any 'Prince John' stories included!

The characters in this book are mostly light-hearted, fun loving outlaws, which makes the occasional decision to straight-up kill their adversaries - even some of the prominent ones - a little shocking. 

However, someone interested in the legends of Robin Hood will likely find some things to enjoy in this version of the story. The inclusion of some detailed drawings and full-colour illustrations add to the appeal.

I enjoyed it for the most part, but doubt I'll revisit it in the future.

Completed 14 January 2025.

(2025 Book Challenge - "A Retelling")


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