Toto the Ninja Cat and the Great Snake Escape - Dermot O'Leary
Published by Hodder Children's Books/Hodder and Stoughton: London, 2017.
Book 1 in the 'Toto the Ninja Cat' series. Followed by 'Toto the Ninja Cat and the Incredible Cheese Heist.'
If the title didn't clue you in on it, this is a strange book.
I like a lot of strange books, so that's not necessarily a bad thing.
Unfortunately, in the case of Toto the Ninja Cat and the Great Snake Escape, it feels like author Dermot O'Leary is trying just a little to hard to be weird. For example, Toto is introduced as a normal cat, who then says that she is blind, and whose brother (Silver) then says 'but you're a ninja, so it doesn't matter.'
Why make her blind at all, if (as the plot shows) it doesn't matter at all that she is? She can still 'see' most of the time, and her ninja skills overcome anything that would potentially be an obstacle for a blind cat anyway!
It might be simply because Toto is apparently based on O'Leary's own rescue cat, who was indeed blind, but in terms of a book character, it just feels like one too-many quirks for our heroine.
The plot is okay. There are a few laughs and a few twists, but nothing that really 'gripped' either of us.
Maybe a book that kids would like, but I can't imagine it being a favourite of anyone.
I could be proved wrong.
Completed with Elise, 9 January 2025.
(Elise Books)
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